Intestinal Cancer can be treated at every stage. It requires multidisciplinary consultation.
Intestinal cancer is one of the commoner cancers. It mainly involves large intestine.
It is generally believed that in cancer once it reaches stage 4, it is untreatable and patient should be waiting for death.
But this is a biggest myth that our society is having. There is basic difference between curable and treatable. Curable means once after treatment cancer is completely gone and very less chance of recurring back. Yes, most of the times stage 4 cancers are not curable but they are definitely treatable that means by various treatments cancer can be controlled and patients can live a normal healthy life and their life can be extended for years, some times cancers can be kept in control for long time.
Patients should always look for treatment; even it is in advanced stage and should never loose hope.
With that background lest us move to stage wise treatment of intestinal cancer.
Stage 1,2:
Intestinal cancers in the stage 1,2 are essentially removed surgically, and patient should directly go for surgery.
Generally stage 1 cancers does not require post op chemotherapy.
Stage 2 cancer when obstructs the intestine or cancer breach intestinal muscular wall, patient generally requires postoperative chemotherapy.
Stage 3:
In stage 3 cancer ideal management of upper part of large intestine and lower part (rectum) is quite different.
Ideally upper part of large intestine first surgery should be done and then chemotherapy (adjuvant)
In lower part of large intestine (rectum) if we go directly for surgery there high chances of local recurrence, so before surgery patient should under go chemotherapy and radiotherapy (neoadjuvant chemoradiation) and after that surgery and then again chemotherapy.
Stage 4 cancer
Stage 4 means cancer has spread to other sites and out side intestine. Are these cances still treatable ?
Well, Answer is yes.
If cancer spread is limited to lung and liver. Cancers in the liver and lung can be removed and cancers are treatable.
IF cancer are detected simultaneously to liver and intestine, some doctors advised to remove liver cancer first and after that intestinal cancer (liver first approach) because there high risk and death and further spread of cancer from liver and not intestinals. ( for further reading see my earlier blog in liver first treatment)
If cancer is spread to inside of abdominal wall (peritoneal), in some selected cases it can still be removed.
On 6th November 2014 researchers in U.S. has published a report even when cancer spread to other cancer can not treated surgically, removing of primary intestinal cancer does giver survival advantage.
Take home message:
Intestinal cancer can be treated even if it is stage 4